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2001-07-09 - 10:04 p.m.

i went to zippys tonight for dinner and a meeting in which i wasn't needed at all. not like i really care, but yeah. okay, i do care. i lied! but yeah. i dont know, sometimes at meetings i feel like i'm being overlooked. but hey, what the fuck y'know? i'm the historian for a reason, because i dont really want responsibility. (did i mention i'm in rotc-- where they teach us "re-spon-si-bil-ity.")

but yeah. i ate a hamburger steak with rice and i also had a hot tea. darsie and melissa were "happy" or maybe "pleased" is a better word that i ate "real food." and they dont believe me when i say that i'm getting tubby. oh well, i'll just get fat and laugh at them.

and darsie had the audacity to ask if i was even close to melissa's weight. not fucking likely. i'm only a lot bigger than her. by now, all you people that dont know me probably think i'm so fat fuck. i wish i could see what you think i look like...

oh, and as for Punahou Girl? i dont think she'll EVER call. she kinda tried to avoid me in drivers ed today. i could tell. and i also got switched to being partners with carli gillia. shes not too quick in the head. i'm not dissing her, but its the truth. and shit... we got shit dates for driving. August: 8, 10, 14, 16, 17, and 20. yeah. all six lessons in about two weeks. y'know how much ass that sucks? it sucks fat ass. i'm going to have to learn from driving in a straight line and left and right turns the first lesson to fuckin' highway on and off ramps by the thrid/fourth lesson to fuckin' paralell parking on the sixth. shit... i'm gonna suck at driving. i dont know if i'm going to get my certificate.

and what even sucks more balls, i know Punahou Girl wont call me, but i still cant let go of the hope that she will. i keep thinking, "okay dude, shes going to call me sooner or later. shes going to call." but i know she aint. but its just that the hope wont go away. stupid fucking hope.

and y'know, i think i want to become a socialist. they had something really going for them. it's just that jenna's theory holds some truth: the former socialist leaders were all previously fucked up before they were put into power. if we found a nice guy to be a socialist, then it might actually work! and without violence too!

Quote of the Entry:

French Socialist Blanc: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Previously on - Currentlier

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