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2001-07-08 - 8:09 p.m.

i have spent the entire weekend without contact with a social peer. and for some reason, it doesn't really matter to me. sure, i've had conversations through AIM, but that still does not compare to actual physical social contact. am i any worse for the wear? probably not. infact, i'm probably better off. its kept me from spending any money what so ever. which is a good thing. especially considering that i just got my allowence too. so right now, i still have $30. how long that will last me? i really dont know.

i wish i did, but i still dont.

oh, and did you know that an intercooler can achieve 100%+ effiency? water intercoolers, when packed with ice, can actually do that. and its not your brakes that stop your car, its your tires. it all makes sense, but i bet that never quite clicked, huh? all the brakes do is cause your tires to stop rotating so much, therefore causing your tires to creat friction with the road surface, and friction is what causes your car to stop. or something like that.

if you'd like to learn more, i learned all of that crap in Sport Compact Car (

P.S. i want a 2001 Toyota Celica, a 2001 Ford Mustang, a 2001 Ford Lightning, and a 2002 Ford Focus SVT. (Santa, i'm looking in your direction)

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