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2001-07-13 - 3:25 p.m.

its funny, when i write about bad things that happen, they dont sound so bad, and i dont think i sound stupid. and the funny part is, i actually believe that it doesn't sound like everyone else when they bitch and moan about someone in their life doing something or other that pisses them off or makes them sad and whatnot. but, i when i read other peoples (read: people i dont know) diaries, i realize that i probably sound just as stupid, and just as self-remorseful as they do. and i feel like i belong to the absolute majority of teenagers which i strive to be dis-similar from.

i guess i can take solace in that at least i dont write bad poetry.

just a note that i had to add. Shakespeare and William Shakespeare are two entirely different people according to diaryland. Shakespeare is the third most listed favorite author, whereas William Shakespeare is the seventh.

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