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2001-07-12 - 10:23 p.m.

i was having a really nice dream today. it was a really good dream. and then my mom knocked on the door. i mumble some unintelligible to announce that i am awake and that she may open the door for whatever her purpose was. she throws a newspaper article at me. what do i see? i see jenna takenouchi's smiling face on it. i was woken up to see jenna's face smiling at me in all of its spiteful glory awakening me from a good dream. boy was i angry. and then it subsided and i read the article and realized, yes, she isn't a dancing bear.

oh, and i got my learners permit. maybe i'll be able to drive in three months? nah, i doubt it. but it's a novel idea isn't it?

well, i'm going to go do my math homework now. at 1030 at night because i just spent about three and a half ours doing nothing with jenna, dennis and kim. i'm hungry...

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