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2001-07-16 - 8:52 p.m.

last night, i fell in love (again). but this time, with an inanimate object. not in that kinda love, but the type where i dont want to stray far from it.

last night, at emily's house, i fell in love with the PS2 and Grand Turismo 3. it has become my new quest to own them. we all (me, kim, kerin, and coryn) went to emily's house last night to watch DVD's and play video games. although there wasn't much playing of video games saddly to say. nobody really wanted to play GT3 cause kim wanted to watch fight club and chasing amy, and coryn and kerin are indifferent to video games. for emily, it didnt really matter cause it's all hers anyway. but yeah... for those brief minutes of playing GT3, i have fallen in love.

an chasing amy was a pretty good movie. only i know that we al wish Jay and Silent Bob were in the move more.

but today... oh lord was i tired. infact, more than half the class was sleeping in the first two hours of class. or thats what i observed whenever i woke up for about 10 seconds. nah, but i caught on to the lesson fairly well, and i dont think i did too bad on the test, but then again, i always think that when i do bad. we'll see later on though...

i need to get laid.

Previously on - Currentlier

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