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2001-07-21 - 10:53 a.m.

oh wow, its saturday morning. i'm finally updating. this is pretty cool. i've played risk everynight this week just about. i love this game. i bet y'all wanna play risk now.

well, other than that, i finished summer school. and i got my "C." it's so cool cause my grade average was really a 68%, but my teacher gave me the extra 2% to push me into a "C" cause mr. riley is cool. he even swore at dustin to his face. dustin said "whoa mr. riley, you better hurry up (and finish with the grades)." mr riley responded with "yeah, thats right. i better FUCKING hurry up." i found that amusing. so did dustin. and mr. riley. okay, so maybe you had to be there. but it was cool.

i feel like doing something right now. but its only 11 AM it's still too early to go out and do something, the sun is still out. oh well, oki's got his party that almost all of you aren't going to cause you all suck penis, but its cool. only one problem, my fellow risk players aren't gonna be there. i doubt i'll get to play risk today. that bites. hmph... oh well.

oh man... i've had some weird dreams lately too. i had a dream where i won a Ford Focus ZX3 from those under the cap games, but my parents were going to sell it before i got to drive it. it made me so sad in the dream. i also had a dream where one of my (female) friends liked me. that was kinda weird. but it was mildly amusing in the fact that a girl liked me. oh, and last night, i had a dream where i met another punahou chick. not the Punahou Girl, but a punahou chick, or someone who reminded me of her anyway. it was kinda weird cause this time i talked to her... and here's the kicker, she talked back. oh damn it was cool. but the coolest part of this dream was that, i turned my math book into the teacher. which is like a subconcious clouser to my math class. ah-ha! no more math for me! ... for the summer.

jenna once said that i'm very open in my diary. i figure she's right considering nobody really talks about their dreams in their diaries or the fact that they watch porno, or about their current crush... i guess i dont really care what people think.

ha ha! fuck you all!

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