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2001-07-23 - 10:57 p.m.

i walked a lot today. i walked to kawananakoa, that took an hour. then i walked to and around liliha for another hour. i walked for at least two hours today. why did i do this? because i woke up early and i was bored. i woke up at like, 830 and around 10 i felt like walking. so i walked to jenna's work place, kawananakoa. but i knew my presence there was unwelcome, so i decided to go to walking around liliha for the next hour. i tried my hand at getting lost, but thats the hard part, getting lost in a place where there's one main road and you can walk to it from any direction basically. so i walked to erin's house, but she wasn't home, i was considering trying kim's house, but realized she was probably still sleeping, so i turned back towards kawananakoa. during this walk i came to the conclussion, that i like walking around aimlessly. its kinda fun. its almost like aimless driving, only you sweat more and you get exercise which is good. the exercise that is. the sweat is bad. well, after i walked, i stopped at 7-11 and bought a mountain dew and a 7-up for jenna. little did i know that jenna doesn't drink 7-up. so the 7-up went to dennis whom we met a few minutes later. we went to his house and watched dogma while i played Gran Turismo 2. i felt really stupid racing in the races i did because i had a Skyline. and well, the Skyline just blows all the other cars away. i felt stupid racing it but didnt know how to change cars because i couldn't really do anything to the game because dennis' brothers were actually still playing it. its hard to explain. so nevermind that.

well, after that jenna drove dennis and myself to dennis' work place and jenna and i felt awkward hanging around there getting weird looks from his parents and shoppers. but luck was with us for dennis had to go get reciept paper, so jenna took us to office depot, albeit with a little misinterpretation of insturctions between jenna and dennis. then dennis decided to go to popeye's to get lunch. we were supposed to get back to his store in 10 minutes, we didnt return for about half-an-hour plus. so, when we did get back jenna and i stood outside because we were afraid of his parents. well, i know i was.

after they closed shop, jenna had to go to dinner so she dropped me and dennis off at my house where we played risk and i showed him stuff about Ford SVT and their truck, the Lightning. this was all spured because we saw a 2001 Ford Lightning on the road, and i was telling him about how it can run low 13's stock everything. i like that truck. so cool.

well, jenna came around 715 with dinner for us and we played the shortest game of risk in history. dennis' mission was to conquer 18 territories and have at least 2 men in each. he did that in less than 2 full turns. then we played a second game. a long game. WHICH I WON. i have never won a single game of risk on my own board, or any other board for that matter. so it was a good day. but it was only because of the good graces of jenna and her slaughtering of dennis on one front while i chased him from the other front so he could get men to his battlefield of chose against jenna. again, its hard to explain. but i also got a freebee becuase jenna figured out my mission and let me win. i know i won by charity, but i won god dammit. and i feel good. so ha!

and then the night ended. oh well. i'm a winner tonight. plus i got hella lot exercise. so i'm feeling good. and off i go now. peace out y'all.

Previously on - Currentlier

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