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2001-07-23 - 12:07 a.m.

i drove today. and i can turn now. i'm also a little better on the gas and brake pedals. i can also angle park and reverse out of the stall. but i'm still afraid to drive on the road, but my dads taking me next week saturday morning anyway. i'm really scared. and driving is tiring. i get tired after about an hour of driving. its a mental drain on me. i also noticed that i clench my jaw when i drive. today, after i drove my jaw was all sore. and i know it was from driving because i was scared the whole time i'd run into something or other. driving scares me.

but, i must learn to drive, otherwise i'll be sad and without a license until i'm 18. and besides, i want to go out on my own. i want to be able to drive people around. i hate having to rely on others for rides, i feel like a queer. especially when all the drivers are girls except for dae won and dennis, and dennis doesnt even have a car anymore. its really gay. oh, and because walking sucks.

dennis and jenna came over tonight and we played risk. again. as usual. like we do every single night. it's not bad though. i dont mind it. even though i lose every single game i play. i never win. i absolutly never win. jenna won tonight in our game of world domination. she kicked the crap out of us. and dennis died in the very same spot i died in our first game. eastern australia. or did he die in new ginuea? i forget, but he died somewhere in australia. never hold australia if you can go somewhere else. australia is a death trap. you have no where to run.

we also watched highlander the movie. i've made a theory that "the prize" is mortality, and once that immortal dies, a new race of immortals rise up and take the reigns of the immortals, therefore, creating a whole new prize to be dealt with and won. but its all just a theory and cannot be proven since it's only a movie and subject to the producers thoughts and ideals.

well, i'm going to go now. peace out y'all.

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