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2001-08-25 - 9:39 p.m.

i got to talk to kim last night. i got to talk to kim last night. i got to talk to kim last night.

and then the lord looked down upon ryan and said "its all good."

no, the lord didn't really do that. i think i'd shit my pants if he did.

but yeah, i found out shes "free as a bird" as she put it. so yep.

and then i got to drive this morning too. y'know what really sucks? i'm not used to the accord anymore, so it was harder to drive it. but i did get to do freeway driving. i want to drive more.

i also saw apocalypse now redux today with my pop. 3� hours, it was worth it though. apocalypse now was a good movie, and apocalypse now redux was even better. the added scenes just added more depth to the movie. and a little bit of humor. i say you should go see it. so go. now.

oh, and i talked to erin tagomori tonight. i haven't really talked to her in a while. and i was amazingly being nice to her too. i offered to help her with what little knowledge i have about cars in her automechanics class. but i doubt i'll be helping her, more like she'll be helping me.

speaking of cars, i want to do a "learners corner" or something about cars for the school paper. like to help those out there like me. y'know? just a thought.

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