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2001-08-29 - 9:08 p.m.

all of class officers (not really all of us, but most of us) went to micah's house last night... dude is it fuckin nice. and hell, there was even entertainment when micah killed a roach and then fed it to his fighting fish. but i missed it when the fish ate it cause i stopped carring after he tried to feed it to both fish but neither of them would eat it on the first bite.

but yeah, we were there and we did some stuff for the assembly and it took us all night too. so i hope it was worth it. oh, and i'm particularly proud of one scene which i coordinated because, well, it's the scene i coordinated.

but the rest of it... i hate it.

go seniors!

oh, and before that i was cruising with kyle and he was telling me of the stories in japan about all the skylines he saw in japan. i was very envious.

i want a skyline.

i want a car for that matter...

and even more so for that matter, i want to drive. i'm sick of having girls drive me around. i feel so gay.

oh, and i got out of math too. the ironic thing is that i never had nishioka at all. the first time i met her as a student was when i had her sign my release slip.

but boss is happy cause now she has a secretary sorta. i work for the ssc now, but boss wanted to utilizie me to be her secretary cause thats what i'm good at. even though my room is a mess, i can do good for others.

i want to buy more micro machines and hot wheels and shit. i wonder if they make import cars?

Previously on - Currentlier

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