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2001-08-30 - 8:59 p.m.

i got to drive kim's car today. it was the highlight of my day. and you know you're lame when you think driving a new car is fun and the greatest thing that happened to you all day. especially when the breaks are really junk and the handing is loose. but y'know... just driving a new car in itself is fun.

i like driving. i wish i could drive more.

i've actually driven six different types of cars, but i can only put four on my driving log. i drove my dad's '00 v-6 accord, my mom's '94 civic HB, the drivers ed '00 elantra, and the '00 echo. the two cars that i wasn't supposed to drive were jenna's '89 v-6 camry and kim's '90 accord. my favorite is my dad's accord. then i'd say the '94 civic, then kim's accord, then the '89 camry, then the echo and finally the elantra. i really hated the elantra. i dont know why anyone would buy it.

i wish i had a car. i wish i had my license. i wish i were batman too.

i'll bet you batman never gets pulled over for speeding or wreckless driving. i bet that even if batman took his car to the track and raced against other rocket cars, he'd lose. the other guys have so much lighter cars and the same type jet engines i bet. y'know, i think the batmobile is an automatic cause i've never seen batman shift gears and i've also never seen a clutch pedal in the batmobile either.

i wonder if rocket cars do have gear? nah, probably not.

man, batman must really have a hard time with his gas bills becuase think about it... he's got the batmobile with a jet engine, the batwing, also with a jet engine, and i think the batboat has one too. so thats three jet engines to buy gas for, oh, plus he's got to maintain them. how do you think he launders the money to do that? i mean, yeah, he's multi-millionaire bruce wayne and all, but thats some operation to do.

i wish i knew how he did it. then i could become batman.

and i never even read the comic book.

i always read marvel. i still dont know how the onslaught saga finishes.

oh, now that i'm a TA, i get to go in the room with all the files of people and stuff. it's pretty cool. it's not like some secret vault or anything. it's just like a room with file cabinets. i wish it was a secret vault or something though, cause then i could be like batman. i could call it the batcave!

ah hell, i'll call it the batcave anyway.

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