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2001-09-13 - 9:38 p.m.

wow, people seemed to like what i wrote last night. i've recieved comments from kyle and wago. according to wago, i was one of the most coherent writers last night, and kyle wanted to use what i wrote as an editorial in the paper.

after hearing those things i had to re-read what i wrote. to be perfectly honest, i cant say that i think it was the best i've writen. kyle said that it was moving and that he could tell that it was from the heart. i agree, it was from the heart, but moving? moving in what way? did it move anyone to anger that i'm knocking the nation that everyone seems to support? moving in that it made them realize how stupid we all are? moving how?

but, hey. if he wants to use it, fine by me. it'll get my word to the masses.

and apparently, all these people that i cant stand to listen to, the ones who want to bomb somebody just to bomb somebody, they're spreading. they're spreading like wildfire. even people that you wouldn't suspect like kelsey yamasaki (crystal's brother), is hoping for a world war III. i told erin to fucking punch him if he ever says that again. i said that if he ever says that around me i'd punch him. i know why he's saying that though. he's saying that because he doesn't know anyone who graduated. like i said a few nights ago, if we go to war, people that i know, that you know, that we all know, they're all going to be the ones in the line of fire. leo- he joined the infantry; if we go to war, i'm sure they'd pull him out of school, send him to basic and AIT and off he'd go with his national guard battalion if they get called into service. casey waikiki- although i don't know him too well, he was a fellow peer educator; he's in san diego right now at marine corps boot camp. jason nagamine, dae won yang, dennis do, joey shimabuku... all those guys are ripe for the draft should it come to that. hell, erin tagomori's brother is too, so are all his friends. they're intelligent and in great physical shape. they'd all be prime choice for the draft board.

and i do think there is going to be a draft board. this is going to be another vietnam-style war. it's going to be cloak-and-dagger, guerilla tactics, attack and be attacked, bomb your city- truck bomb ours. nobody's going to be safe. and after it's all done with in a matter of years, americans are going to go back to their level of complacency. look at the gulf war. there was a surge of enlistment after the war. but look at it now, recruiters are struggling to recruit, they're recruiting people who dont have fingers or toes. marine's are looking for "slightly damaged" kids. after the war, depending on the outcome, theres going to be patriotism or dissidence, but a year or two later, everythings going to back to the way it was before. complacency.

dont get me wrong, i love america, i just dont love americans.

it's hard to explain so i'm just going to leave it at that and let you come to your own conclussions.

Previously on - Currentlier

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