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2001-09-12 - 8:15 p.m.

its funny seeing everyones reactions to all these events.

jevon's brother-in-law called him at 5:30 am that morning to tell him that the worlds gonna end.

bobby at seems to be looking at it from a somewhat detached point-of-view to the point where he's joking about it. (as i would've expected him to lest it be away from his character.)

ikaika seems to be like the rest of america demanding immediate decisive retaliation.

jenna is like the other half of the same people who are scared and insecure in their own bubble world called america.

trevor is just like me. scared and insecure in the fact that we might go to war. worried about the fact that more people might and will die. but not afraid to move on beyond the hate that comes so easily to people. we both see this as a testing point of the mettle of people around the world. will people succumb to the hate that is so easily graspable? or will they think and react like a sane man would? by not reacting to that hate that wants to envelop them and rule their world because it's easier. people do not seem to grasp the fact that this event is what america was bound to experience. the british have endured terrorism, so have the isralies. this isn't new to america either. terrorism has struck our shores before. sure the numbers haven't been anywhere near the numbers yesterday, but in typical american fashion, america cannot accept the fact that the world is changing before their eyes. americans want to resume life the way it was before because american's are a weak group of people. we live sheltered lives unwilling to accept change if it doesn't directly and immediately benefit us. in less than a year, americans will be bitching and moaning that their expedient curb-side check in is no longer there. bitching and moaning that they cannot wait in the check-in area. bitching and moaning about the increased security levels. american's are stupid and retarded. we are not really the most powerful nation in the world, countries like israel are. with their resolve to continue to live despite the fact that they have no friends anywhere near them, proves that they are a true nation. america is all about quick fixes and conformity to americas ways. in foreign countries, students learn english whereas in america, students are given the option to learn foreign languages if they want (synonomous to "option").

america is going to be the reason the world ends.

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