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2001-09-15 - 9:28 p.m.

i didn't know that kahala beach was considered a slightly gay beach until my mom told me this afternoon.

the funny thing is, whenever i go there, i always go there with chicks, and when i was leaving last night, a guy was there w/ two chicks. and another time i was there, a guy and his chick were there. but then again, last night i saw two guys there too. and i'd previously seen two guys leaving the beach also. wow, my mom put so many things into prospective for me with five simple words: "isn't that a gay beach?"

well, anyhow, last night was friday night. my night for making smoothies. it was tara, her two kamehameha friends, myself, and carlie. we're coming close to perfecting the recipie. and one of tara's friends even said "it tastes sort of like jamba juice." that really made me feel good cause i'm usually the one who makes it. well, its really not that hard, everyone throws in a few materials and i blend it. i'm the one who runs the blender. cause usually no one else wants to. but i'm fine with it, it gives me an excuse to not wash it.

after the smoothies were made we went out to kahala beach. while at kahala, carlie and i were talking about what might happen. she said that if there is a war, they're going to move to arizona where her uncle owns a ranch. if there's a war, i'm going to be scared. really fucking scared. i also came to the realization that the world is changing before our eyes. the whole world. not just america, but borders are going to be re-drawn. new and old political ties are going to be made and broken. europe especially i think is going to be in chaos. southern america is going to be somewhat untouched because south america is always untouched by the world wars. asia is going to be left largely unscathed except for southwest asia. southwest asia is going to be a battlefield for almost all of earth. and america? america is going to be turned into a new battlefield. a battlefield that'll run red with blood. more blood than the american civil war. truck bomb for cluster bomb. drive-by shooting for strafing run. more second hand, garage made explosives will be used on civilians than military targets. total chaos and blood shed. but americans will stand together because american's always stand together in times of need. and once the true battle lines are drawn and osama bin laden is either dead or arrested, america will prosper for a time. america will rebuild the countries that were devastated, and once again; europe will succumb to it's own terrorists; aisa will be turned into a third world brushfire battlefield; south america will once again turn to it's narcotics running; australia will remain just like it always was because nothing ever happens to australia; and america will slowly return to the country it once was. only this time a little older, a little more scared, a little more weary of the world it lives in, but, never the same.

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