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2001-09-16 - 7:51 p.m.

i dont know how to write this. i cant find the right words to express how i feel. i feel like everyone is posing. all this flag waving. all this nationalistic behavior. its all so appaling. people are coming together only because people died. some they know, some they dont. everyone is acting all of a sudden like they always gave a shit about this nation. they're all banding together and showing their "love of country" and solidarity by placing flags on their lawns, or hanging the stars and stripes on their cars. it just sickens me. everyone is trying too damn hard to show that they care. if i had come to school before 9-11-01 with a US flag hanging from my bag, people would've thought i shopped at old navy the weekend prior. but now, if i did that, i'd be a patriot in the least possible sense. it bothers me so very much. everyone thinks that they're being a good patriotic american just because they wear red, white, and blue. if you want to show your nationalism, then donate blood, give money, get your ass in gear and start to actually support the nation in more than just a visual sense. and for god's sake, dont do it just because people died, do it all the time. it's so much more honest that way.

dont get me wrong, if you're doing this, i dont hate you. its just that i think that you should love your nation not because people died, but because you truly love it with your heart. it's great that you're all banding together, but do it for a reason other than guilt and anger.

and if you're an angry person who thinks that every single arab is to blame, think about this. what if it were italians? would you go and shoot every single italian you saw? how would you distinguish between an italian and a greek? or a russian? it's only possible to an extant, isn't it? you can't distinguish a good person from a bad person only by the color of their skin and their ethinicity. so you're wrong and a bastard if you think that all arabs are evil mother fuckers who should burn in hell, cause if you think that, you're going to burn in hell right next to the person you hate so much because guess what: catholics, christians, jews, and muslims all beleive in the same god. they all believe in the same heaven and hell. all have the same basic belief structure. bet y'all didnt know that.

so, rethink your reasons for flag waving and who you blame. it might all be different than what you believe.

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