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2001-10-03 - 9:38 p.m.

ack... today i did bad. i shot only a 225. some people are all like "ryan! you suck! you think a 225's bad! you suck mad ass!" and i'm thinking... you're telling a guy with an average above 240 that a 225 isn't bad? you be trippin'...

but oh well, thats one match. at least i made erin smile today. erin tamashiro that is. i gave her a bag of skittles a long note. so she was happy i think. i like erin, shes funny.

oh, and i got to have fun messing around with julie today too. i really should stop bothering her so much, i'm beginning to feel slightly bad about it. we'll see what happens though.

i like to see what happens. it makes me feel like i dont have to do anything or worry about anything. i think it helps me maintain my mellowness.

being mellow rocks, y'all should try it out one day.

i dont know what i'm going to do anymore... i'm so tired.

but at least melissa is still greatly in gratitude to me for coming on monday morning. yeah, she still is. it's freakin wednesday and shes still happy/thankful. i dont really understand why. i mean, all i did was come to school a little earlier than usual. but if she wants to be thankful, its all good, y'know? so we're even now. and come next monday, i'll be up one major favor. :)

Previously on - Currentlier

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