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2001-10-09 - 12:58 a.m.

i've been thinking about this "new war" of ours... what it's going to be like? what are we going to do?

well, i've come to the conclussion this is going to be like a vietnam of sorts. guerrilla warfare. back and forth. strike and counter strike. a $120,000,000.00 boeing airplane crashes into our building, so we'll launch a $1,000,000.00 missle or drop a $1,000.00 bomb with a $1,000,000.00 guidance system from a $1,300,000,000.00 airplane.

the numbers are staggering. but then again, so are the casualty counts. so lets see... the U.S. launched 50 tomahawks at a cost of about $1,000,000.00 each. so thats 50 million dollars. from 50 airplanes... so add fuel, which is airplane gasoline which i'll guess is maybe about $3 per gallon at a rate of oh... well thats not important. lets just say that they use maybe about $100,000.00 worth of fuel in a mission for clarity's sake. and then we add in maintenance for each aircraft, another $10,000.00 well, we're really getting up there aren't we? you get my drift.

but what i'm trying to get at is this: gee, is it really worth it for all the human lives lost? gosh, we sure are solving that over population problem aren't we? i mean, one city at a time? hey, why not? it puts new meaning to the word "overkill."

oh well. i say we do it this way. leagalize euthanasia and start killing more convicted criminals. dont drop bombs on the innocent ones in the villages with the crooked politicians. do it the old fashioned way. commandos who volunteered for them old school raider missions. this is a guerrilla war, the only way to fight them is go be them.

in vietnam, thats how america won those battles. by going after the vietcong charlie style. they started to ambush the ambushers. and it worked. charlie became fearful of them "men with green faces." he became as afraid of them as the average american was afriad of him. and thats how we have to fight this new war. with the face thats brown like the desert sand and black as the desert night.

but like i was telling this girl, christina, earlier tonight. this is gonna be like vietnam. they bomb us, we bomb them. strike and counter strike. it's going to be fought guerrilla style. in the end the taliban is going to fall, the northern alliance is going to sweep in and take control of afghanistan and the world will be at peace once again. thats whats going to happen. you know why? because history repeats itself. thats why.

in the mean time, we're all going to die from the strike and counter strike measures of both sides.

aint life grand?

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