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2001-10-10 - 9:46 p.m.

to my friend chad... i will have to argue with you because this is what i do.

yeah, i did over look what i was writting and it turns out that it does seem like i'm making the allied effort appear to be carpet bombing the entire country of afghanistan. oops.

but what i do mean by this will be a guerrilla war is that we're going to attack the taliban and the al queda is going to blow up a bus in america. we're going to shoot some afghanis and they're going to attack a military base in north carolina with a truck bomb blown up at the gates. there's more examples, but i dont feel like writting.

hmm... and there's more. the battle will be guerrilla warfare style in the hills of afghanistan. the men with rags on their heads will not only be arabs, but they will be round-eyes in disguise looking through the eyes of a scoped .50 calibre rifle taking aim on an essential piece of machinery, an anti-aircraft gun perhaps? or maybe a military convoy's engine block? or maybe even at a man at more than 1,000 yards (10 football fields)? taking aim, ready to shoot and eliminate the enemys means of making war as well as terrorizing the enemy with a one shot deal. making him fear the man with the skin brown as the sand or black as the night. there's no way in hell this is going to be a war fought conventionally. no longer are the days of tank versus tank with airplanes dueling it out over head in dog fights. no longer are the days of infantry battalions attacking large airbases in full on frontal assaults. this is going to be a long drawn out war taking years to come out with a conclussive end. and once we kill osama bin laden, someone else will take his place. thats the way it goes.

but, on the other hand... who gives a fuck? we're all going to die anyway so i dont give a damn.

i just hope i get laid before i die. any takers?

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