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2001-10-27 - 11:57 p.m.

i got my birthday and x-mas present today. and it's not even my b-day. not just that... but my dad's been using it more than i have.

it's a PS2 with GT3 and a steering wheel w/ force feedback. it's so cool...

other than that...

i leave for states tomorrow. so sad... no randi or julie. :-(

what will i do???

not to mention no internet either. god dammit...

kona sucks some major balls... i think.

oh well, at least i get to harrass people. thats an up-side thing.

i guess...

not really, but hey, gotta take what i can get.


apparently i didn't give my balls enough credit in the last entry. they make them spermy things in different variations. thats pretty cool, i forgot about that. but i still say it isn't the best of ideas to be thinking with them versus that brain thingy up in my skull.

shit... i want to play gt3, but my dad's playing, and i figure if he paid the $451 dollars for it, he's got first dibs on it.


i like this weather, it's so nice and rainy. rain is cool. except when i'm wearing a white shirt. which is always, then it's bad. unless i'm wearing something over that white t-shirt. unless it's another white t-shirt, then it negates the purpose of covering the white t-shirt. and it's just pointless altogether. damn.

bur rain is still cool.

i finally played pool again today. it's been oh so long, and richard that fucka, he jinxed me. again. we got so much bad luck around eachother it aint funny. but it's still cool cause pool is cool. hey, that sorta rhymed. neato bambito!

i also almost died driving to millilani. but more on that next time.

that and i saw the batmobile.

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