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2001-10-26 - 10:44 p.m.

if you read randi's diary, then youd've read something along the lines of randi making a feminist statement by asking me to the mistletoe. does this mean that i too was making a feminist statement by asking her to the military ball? i'm all confused now!

no, not really. i know i'm not a girl by the way.

but i do tend to be the girl in a lot of male-female interactions. i wonder why that is? does this mean i'm a submissive bitch? that's a possibility. i do like to not have to think for myself. although that could probably be contributed to laziness... damn, i'm confused for real this time.

but not confused sexually. i know for a fact that i'm a flaming heterosexual.

that and a ugly mofo.

being an ugly mofo sucks ass. it makes it really hard to pick up chicks based solely on looks which would be the premiss for a purely physical relationship which, i as a guy, think would be really cool. well, then again, i'm probably thinking with my balls and they're not very smart. i mean, they produce something that only knows one thing: "swim to the egg the fastest."

gee, that line of thought went from somewhat normal for me to still being somewhat normal for me but absurdly repulsive. i wonder where i get it from? hmm...

ah the mind, what a terible thing to have.

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