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2001-10-31 - 10:44 p.m.

i felt like shit all day. and then i went to sleep in period 4 and i still felt like shit... it turns out that jesse was trying to bother me, or was it reece? or maybe nathan? anyhow... someone was trying to bother me by sticking me in the side, but i was so wasted that i noticed it but did nothing and went back to sleep. and they left me alone...

i think?

and i also slept during rotc. sgt. koki was rather accepting of the fact that i was all wasted from the trip that he actually let me sleep. it was grand. but jon lyons had a way of making it all crappy. i had to teach them about the ribbons, but he thinks he knows everything so i was tryin' t' get him to shut up and i ended up yelling at him. i dont like to yell at those guys cause i know they dont really know better, but jon was really getting on my nerves today. i think i was pms'y today or something. my head felt like it was gonna explode. kaboom... brains all ov... no wait. brains? what brains?

man... nothing knocks you out like trying to read about the history of the english language. it knocked me out twice today. it might've also been because of the sickness and all though, but still... it was pretty dry stuff.

i want to sleep somemore, but i'm not really tired enough, and my nose is stuffy, and my head feels like it's going to expand (not quite explode yet)... argh. i think i'm sick, what d'ya think?

Previously on - Currentlier

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