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2001-11-02 - 11:05 p.m.

i love my gran turismo 3. it's the greatest. i finally bought the car that i really wanted to get in the game- the Ford Mustang Cobra R. that thing is a beauty. i think i'm in love with it. no, not really but... i could fall in love with it. i'm going to use that as my main suping up car. no more trueno for me bitch! well, i might need to use it to win some classes, so we'll see.

today me and richard cut fourth period because fourth period sucks nuts. so we cut out after period 3, newswriting, and then we went to my house and played gran turismo 3 till we left at about 12. the scary part was that my mom just came home so i had to think of a lie to tell incase she asked anything. she didnt ask me until later on tonight when i had a good lie ready, so it was all good.

and in rotc i got to work with the special ed boys again. its kinda rewarding because it makes me feel like i'm doing something good and giving back to the people. well, not really giving back to anybody, but i just feel good about it. it's more fun than working with normal people who just dont catch on. i hate those people...

normal people who are stupid suck. they should be pushed into a shallow pond with a muddy bottom to make their shoes muddy and soaking wet so they have wet socks and dirty shoes.

yeah... that'll teach them...

i was supposed to say somthing that i told randi i'd say... but i cant remember it. damn... looks like i might have muddy shoes and wet socks.

hmm... oh well, i got to watch final fantasy again tonight. my dad rented it and i still love the annimation. the dialogue seems too rushed at times, but the pretty pictures are oh so cool.

shit... i should sleep 'cause i got SAT's tomorrow. should sleep... but i dont think i will. y'know why? because i feel like reading or something. damn... i'm so retarded.


i should pack a bag of cough drops and get some fruits ready for tomorrow morning to eat for breakfast... find my penicls and eraser... get my calculator set too... although i wouldn't know how to use it for the problems i'd have to do. i'm aiming for a 300 math score. maybe i'll beat chad kapanui?

oh well, we'll see what happens...

Previously on - Currentlier

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