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2001-11-05 - 9:28 p.m.

so... yesterday was my birthday. HAH! most of you didn't know... just the way i like it. and i even got a few people to think that it wasn't after they thought they knew it was. damn i'm good. jenna was all like... "what? it's not your birthday? shit... i feel like an idiot..." well, it's okay jenna, you're still my sweetest little shit.

but damn... i think i'm addicted to gran turismo 3. actually, i dont think i am, i know i am. and it's bad... its like, i come home from school and i look at the steering wheel and it's like... *hand reaching for it... other hand trying to pull it back* it's a fight between good and evil within my body. i dont know what to do... succumb to the gloriousness of the game? or maintain my sanity by doing work that needs to be done? i dont know!!!

and then i start playing gran turismo.

but gosh darn, the time really flies by when i'm playing that game. first thing i know, i'm turning the system on at about 3 pm, next thing i know, my mom's asking to watch the news at 6 pm... wow, the time just flies...

it's a drug i tell you... a drug!

okay... that was stupid. i think i'll erase it. okay, i erased it. and for those of you non-believers out there, there really was something that i did erase, but i chose not to erase this because i want all of you to not know what it was that was here. muahahahahahaha... such a bitch.

oh, i was on the phone with randi tonight and she was talking to her sister because she's baby sitting... well, her sister wanted tea rice, but neither of them could find the tea. so these are some of the suggestions randi brought up to put in with the rice instead of tea: hot chocolate, otter pops, uh... well there were more, but those are the two that really stand out in my mind. eventually her sister landed on the conclussion of just putting in plain water. i started to crack up at that... and then, i hear "wait... you warmed up the water and then put ice in it?" i lost it when she said that... i seriously couldn't stop laughing. it was just pure hillarity.

yes, some funny shit right there...

hmm... oh, yeah, now i know what i was gonna say all entry! while discussing how much of geeks randi and i were, i came to the conclussion that i'm just like chad wago. we both read comics, we both play video games, we both quote movies perhaps a bit too much, and we both like the same type of music- an eclectic mix of rock and hip-hop. no wonder we get along.

alrighty, i'm gonna go now. peace out y'all!

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