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2001-11-03 - 10:46 p.m.

well, today was quite an eventful day.

woke up at 630 to take the SAT's (Stupid Ass Test) with dane and randi. dane picked me up about half an hour late or so. and when randi called to ask if we got lost, i told her that dane got lost coming to my house. for those of you who dont know, dane lives down the street from me.

so yeah, i took the SAT's in a cold ass room at mid-pac and my nose started to run... like really badly. and it wasn't regular snot, it was this extra viscousy one. like it wouldn't break, so i had to keep bringing my sweater to my nose to wipe it away so no one saw it. pretty nasty shit if you ask me.

after the test dane dropped me and randi off at my house to play GT3, dane was supposed to stay to play too, but he was feeling like poo so he left. but i let him borrow U-571 for his new DVD player.

so me and randi played GT3 till about 3 something and then we ate lunch and watched full metal jacket. she said it's a guy movie. i totally agree with her.

and then we ate more food. or i did at least. i ate spaghetti. i like spaghetti. i wonder if i spelt it right?

after that we went to watch the water polo champs.

roosevelt vs. kahuku

sounds very familiar, doesn't it?

well, this time it was different, roosevelt dominated the whole game, the lead never belonged to kahuku, infact, they didnt ever even tie. but the did get VERY close to squeaking into the lead. at one point in the game they went on a five point scoring run i think. but roosevelt kept up the D and then pushed back picking it up again and winning 7-6. this means that they are the champs. whoo! go rainbows (or whatever y'all call yourselves).

and then after that i was taking pictures with kyle's camera and i took about 1� rolls of pictures.

after that i went to randi's house with aarika and we watched miss congeniality. aarika is a really giddy person. and i think that the guy in miss congeniality has nicer hair than her lover.

aarika left and so i was still at randi's house and we went back to watching more tv. tv is good. tv is my friend. and if tv were a real thing, it'd be my lover too. i love you tv. you are my god.

and then i walked home from manoa. so i started the day in manoa, and i ended the day in manoa. how fitting. no, serrisously, how fitting? how does it fit? i dont know...

oh i figured out what i was supposed to put in here for randi. i remembered it earlier today while i was talking to her.

dont call her kyle's little sis anymore. she doesn't like it. if you continue to do so, she'll pull out some judo throw on you. and i'll laugh at you. yes, that is what i will do.

Previously on - Currentlier

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