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2001-11-08 - 10:24 p.m.

damn... my nails look so... so... naked. there's nothing on them anymore... it's like, they're cold and pale. man, what i wouldn't do for some nail polish.


fuck, i still dont know what my report card is like.

or my senior portrait. stupid ID cards...

hmm... tomorrow i have to walk to ward theaters. that should be fun since i'm not quite sure which way to go. all i know is, right of ala moana. shouldn't be too bad... about an hours walk or so. walking... whatta bitch.

i wish randi drove... then she could drive my ass there. y'heard that randi? start driving!


i think i should get a waterproof note pad because i do a lot of thinking in the shower, and if i could just write things down in the shower, i could remember so much more stuff. like, i'm sure i had some what seem like good ideas at the time in the shower tonight, but since i couldn't write them down, i cant remember them anymore and i lose out on some good stuff.

oh, i got "country grammar" so i'm happy. music makes me happy. but it's not an anti-drug for the PS2... infact, it's more like a supplement. if i listen to music, while i play the game, its just that much better. dammit...

damn that stupid thing... grr...

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