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2001-11-12 - 10:59 p.m.

god damn... school work sucks ass.

so does dane, but he sucks ass in a different way...

so, i came back from maui today... i got violently ill on the side of a road on the side of a mountain. yeah, word to the wise... dont go off roading in a god damned dodge stratus. it wasn't meant to handle those things... we bottomed out 10 times... yes, 10 times. 10 times we struck the bottom of the car with rocks and what not. not only did we mess up the bottom of the car, but we're pretty sure the suspension is pretty much shot to hell, and the air filter... lets not even start on the air filter... there was so much dust, that when we drove at highway speed for the first time after that drive, there was enough dust to create a cloud behind us. oh, not just that, but there was still dust on the car a day and a half after we returned it. it was kinda caked on there. pretty nuts bah...

oh, plus i bought a cool model of a Highland Green 1968 Mustang GT; the same one used in the movie bullitt. infact, it is the bullitt mustang. yep, i love it. all that remains to be done is to assemble it. bitch!

what else is there...

oh, it's really cold up there. yes, very cold. and very dark too. yes, very dark.

hmm... i ended up talking to randi for more than three hours on my cell phone. i love weekend minutes combined with free inter-island calling. we were able to keep up on the non-happenings in our life. in otherwords, nothing reall happens to us, so we make up stories using simpson and movie quotes mixed in with the non-happenings of our daily lives. yes, it makes for interesting conversations...

i wonder how much radiation my head has absorbed by now?

"it's not a touma!" arnold from kindergarden cop

i also went to the marching band thing tonight. damn, kamehameha was impressive. but they didn't have magic like our band did. and pearl city had nothing on kam... nothing! except for size... they sure have a lot of people... but y'know what? neither of them had magic either! hah! we had magic bitches! and our music was pretty good. but we still have a small band. physical stature... randi made a comment which i full have to agree with "it's sad when your color guard has julie, and they all look the same size" i fully agree.

damn, i want to listen to my jimi hendrix cd right now, but i'm too lazy to go look for it. yeah, i bought a jimi CD on maui, it's great. he's a god man... better than tommy morello. yes, i said better than tom morello. thats how good he is. and we all know i love tom morello.


i think i'll go now.

peace out muthas...

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