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2001-11-13 - 10:42 p.m.

ms. hamel said i'm just like trevor "my own f-in hero" i'd hardly agree... i think if i were my own hero, i'd be more like batman.

i like ms. hamel, she's so cool.

but not as cool as randi. (brownie points!)

so... yes, i dont know.

randi came over today and made me watch a chick flick... i cant remember the title anymore. yeah, thats what it's called... she's all that... staring... rachel leigh cook. yes, and the funny thing is, they made a sad clown in that movie. :) damn, thats some funny shit. you'd probably only understand if you're in news writing with me. good times...

news writing is the shits. so is mr. inouye's period 5. whenever i need someplace to go during period 5 when i cut TA, i go to his room and i talk to the people i know. people like matt who's getting a ducati, or fred or brian, or shannon... speaking of girls in that class, randi told me something interesting about that class. all the girls in the class have approved of me. how? by taking one look at me. i know it's very shallow and i should be appalled at it, but i'm not. it means i'm not as ugly as i think i am because i'm not so ugly as to make a bunch of girls go "ew" like kawan would. randi said that she typically responds to everyone that randi takes to dances with "ewww" but, when kawan asked randi who she was taking to mistletoe, randi said me, and kawan went "ew... oh, no wait. he's not that bad." sweet. i'm not that bad. damn... i'm like, not that bad. thats so cool. now if only i looked like paul walker... or josh harnett... or kevin spacey... kevin spacey, he's a really good actor. i wish i were a good actor.

damn, that changed topics fast.

i hate english and the stupid history of it. stupid stupid history... i speak it good kine, das all i need fo be able to do. why i need fo no da kine history of em fore? brah, i tell u, is stupid. like four real kine stupid...

is retarded ah?

k, i like go now.

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