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2001-11-18 - 9:27 p.m.

i do a lot of walking. yeah... i've said that before. you know who else did a lot of walking? jesus. no, not jesus, but Jesus, the guy... y'know? with the beard, and the dark skin, and had raggedy clothes... the one, y'know? he had all the messages from that guy. God, yeah, thats the guy he had messages from.


so, anyway.

yeah, last night kicked ass. even if it was like the other night. just before it. so, for two nights in a row, i saw a movie and participated in the Jamba Fun. yeah... good times...

so, anyway, i saw "the one" last night. i wasn't sorely dissapointed by the movie like my compatrionts because i was in a good mood the whole time. mostly because of the person sitting next to me. yeah, evan was pretty cool about me snuggling up to him. and yeah... he even let me kiss him a few times.

hahahahaha... had y'all guessin' for a second there eh? no, i didn't snuggle up to him nor did i kiss him.

he wouldn't let me.

probably because neither of us swings that way.

anyway... so yeah, i was sitting next to randi enjoying the kung-fu and interdimensional-travel and the matrix rip off stuff. it was all so cool. what did randi call it... kung-matrix-fu. yeah, it was kinda like that.

anyway... and then we went to jamba juice and did the jamba fun thing. thats where kawan called me and randi weird. fancy that. me and randi? weird?


but, anyhow... we went back to randi's house to look at the falling sky. well, i dont know what brandon and lauren were doing on the roof, but we sure heard a lot of giggling. t'was mighty suspicious of them...

so yeah... we were out there with randi's mom laughing it up with our coacoa waiting for the sky to fall, but nothing fell... and randi's mom went in, and lauren left, and then brandon left, so me and randi went inside to watch tv.

ah, tv... how i love you... *shifty eyes*... er, but not as much as randi. yep, not as much. even if you have a PS2 hooked up to it. with Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec in it... with a logitech steering wheel pluggeed into it...

so, anyway. yeah, nothing beats watching tv. not just any tv... but acme cartoons yo. that stuff is the shits. and when you have your bitch, i mean, stalker, i mean wife, by your side, it's just that much greater. yes... tv with the old lady is great.

especially when they have cartoons on.

speaking of cartoons, that new justice league cartoon. i have only one gripe about it. superman sounds gay. i hate that. he's not the dynamic leader of superheros anymore, he's like a... a fruitcake! i hate it! but damn, batman's still dark and mean, and the flash is a hilarious sonuva bitch. and if only wonder woman were real... *gurgle...* oh wait... she is. yes, randi, you are my wonder woman. no... wait... batman doesn't get wonder woman. dammit. that doesn't work.

why did i just type that? i dont know...

i should stop now. i think the heat is getting to me.

Previously on - Currentlier

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