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2001-11-17 - 12:02 a.m.

for the past two days... i've been trying to figure out what chad meant in my guestbook.

i have still yet to come to a conclussion about it.

anyway... today, the recruiter, who i like to mess with, finally figured out i'm 17. so he decided to try and get me to sign-up. and at first, i tried what randi suggested, like acting stoned and not finishing my sentances... but that didn't work so i decided to play my angle where i'm a socialist and part communist with an aversion to democracy. it turns out he sorta approves of socialism, but not enough to totally agree with me. so we got into a non-phillosophical disucssion about socialism and the military... it was rather non-productive. he even messed up my flow on my essay that i was writting. but oh well... he used my pen that i was chewing on. haha... the fucker...

and i also went to see that movie... monster's inc. not bad. the comic short just before the movie was hillarious. and the movie was too. good movie, y'all should go see it. more of a chick kinda movie than full metal jacket.

after that we sat at jamba juice for a few hours... litterally. saw a lot of people man... a lot of people...

and then i walked home at 11. took me about 30 minutes at a nice calm pace. i like walking at a nice calm pace. it's so much... calmer than walking at a brisk pace.

oh... uh... yeah, my mom called me a gypsy tonight. its because i hang out with different groups of people all the time. i have no allegiance she said. eh.. whatever. i just go with what's avaliable at the time. if i have money, and it fits my mood, i'm down for it.

yes... excellent...

Quote of the Day:

"you're gettin' older every day." sgt. greg hika.

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