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2001-11-20 - 9:58 p.m.

well, tomorrow's wednesday. yep, good ol' wednesday. nothing but marine science that i dont want to be at too seriously. rotc, i kinda just do my own thing there because i'm a little bit in and out of that course. they dont really count on me to do anything there, but they still make me do work. it's a "i hate you and you hate us" relationship down there. but anyway... one thing that is extraordinary about tomorrow is that tomorrow randi leaves halfway during the day for a trip to california. now, i am a little bit saddended by this, but "i will survive, as long as i know how to..." i shouldn't sing.

anyway... yeah, so she's going to california and her biggest worry is the cold. but, randi. if you're reading this, and i know you are, you've got nothing to worry about. all you need to do is think warm happy thoughts. warm happy thoughts make the world go 'round. just like gravity does.

and then, after tomorrow, comes thanksgiving. food is all i'm thinking about. food and the ensuing paralysis that always accompanies good food and lots of it.

ahh... gotta remember to wear the loose pants that day.

so, yeah... had uniform day today. what a load of crap. make me get all paranoid about my shoes being ugly. well, only i was paranoid about it, but that's because i'm an idiot.

oh... but what really pissed me off today was after school. they made us take pictures, and they put ake in charge. oh god... i was gonna frickin bus' loose on that moron. but nah... i just left after 45 minutes there. i was like, fuck this, i'm goin' home. so i left the photos, changed back into my real clothes, and left the room like the rebel i am. i met up with my stalker and we went and dilly-dallied like we always do. we spend a lot of time lounging around not doing anything constructive. we look at the sky, we watch tv, we rassal', we watch more tv, and then we watch more tv. i think we like tv a bit too much. who'm i kidding? you can never love tv too much. that and video games. those things are what makes me happy. like the song on the "sound of music" where the lady is singing about what makes her happy. i'd put tv and video games in there.

yessire, tv and video games make me happy.

kinda like randi does. only shes better. but when you put all three together, oooh, winnah!

*sigh* i cant wait for this weekend to come... school has been too much for me. actually, no. i cant wait for winter vacation. doing my homework has never sucked so much ass. and it's all brought upon by me and only me. rewriting my news writing because i dont like it and all that stuff. i'm so anal about my own writing, it sucks. harumph...

well, i think i'll go now.

Previously on - Currentlier

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