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2001-11-21 - 10:59 p.m.

boy... it's been about 13 hours or so since i last saw randi... man, do i miss her. yeah, i really really do. it's like... now she's not even in walking distance anymore, and my walking distance goes mighty far. oooh, stupid pacific ocean. hurry and fall into the sea and start floating this way california.

dammit... *sigh* it's only the first day too. not even first day. half day. oh well... i'll have to figure out someway to console myself. i'll always have the PS2 (knock on wood). man.... i so miss her.

yeah, our good bye went something like this:

1) Hamel looks out the door and goes "randi, your mom's here." or at least thats what i think she said

2) randi looks towards hamel and then looks back at me.

3) i grab my sweater out of my bag to give to her for her to take to california. i'm not sure if she expected it, but i had been planning to give it to her for a while.

4) i stood up and she asked for a hug, so i willingly obliged.

5) she started to walk towards the door and said "bye" to the class.

6) i said "good bye doctor nick!" because i'm a simpson fan and so is she and we were just talking about doctor nick before she left. i felt like it was a fitting good bye for us.

so yeah... that was how i say good bye. damn i miss her. and she'll be back by sunday too. go fig. what a loser i am. *sigh...* and a sap.

so, anyway. in news writing, trever and jon were doing their hair removal investigation. they used their legs as the test subjects. trevor is funny. he used the wax once, and it didn't hurt, so he was all stoked about it. then he goes on to try some other things, this one sand paper thing he really digs becuase not only does it remove the hair, it exfoliates (removes dead skin) too. so he starts trippin it out as he watches his hair dissapear before his eyes and then he goes on to try the other things (but not before he expresses his clear joy with the sand paper thing). and then he goes back to the wax really quickly. little does he know that there's a reason why you heat it up. when he put it on and ripped it off, it really hurt him. he looked like he was gonna cry. it was classic. it was a you had to be there moment. hearing him scream and seeing his reactions were priceless. yeah, good ol' trevor.

oh, and marine science didnt suck as much ass as i thought it would. me, richard, and david went to the physics room down stairs to play cards and "study." the guy was a sub so he didn't really care. i went on a winning streak like a bitch. we were playing poker, BS, and rummy. i won all buy one game of rummy. and we were playing for all of a good solid hour. and i lost one damn game. i was feelin' it. it's because i'm a good liar at times, BS i got lucky, and Rummy, i knew how to play my hands luckily and richard and david were being really vindictive of each other so i got lucky again.

ahh... good ol' wednesdays.

fuck i miss randi.

anyway... i was also messing around with Gran Turismo 3, and i managed to pull of some really stupid shit. i sold all my cars and suped up my Cobra R to a top speed of 223 mph. and it could've accelerated more had i had more room to do it. but still 223 was god. and all i had originally intended to do was crank it up to 200 mph. speed is addictive i guess.

but i didnt save it becuase then i'd have only one car to race.

so, anyway... i think i'll go now before i start talking about randi again. i wonder if she knows the way to san jose...

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