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2001-12-03 - 10:43 p.m.

okay, yeah... uh, this must've been one of the fastest months of my life because it's like... yeah. i guess one month of trying to take over the world can go by pretty fast when you're with the right company. but damn, y'know what that means? it means my life is shorter now. yeah, it was all explained to me in catch-22. if you're bored, your life is longer because it seems longer. yeah, it's all weird and all, but it sorta makes sense in an abstract manner.

so, anyway. yeah, what'd we do? well, i'll tell you what i did. i fell asleep. why? because dragon ball z sucks. what's that noise? it sounds like a million footsteps rushing at me in an angry mob? hmm?

so, yeah. i fell asleep because i'm a dork. y'know how i know i fell asleep? randi told me i was twitching and that guys only twitch in their sleep. so yeah. i fell asleep.

anyway... hmm... oh yeah, in news writing, the bad luck has hit a new low. low tech things are now against me. the god damned stappler wouldn't work. that was a new low in bad luck for me i think.

i was going to cry...

so, anyway...

that thing... um... i dont know

okay, how's this. today, randi told me: "i think you're really smarter than you act."

and then, later on today. a few hours later, i asked her "was it you who said that i'm really smarter than i act?" like i was completely not sure if it was her who said it or that it was even today. so she took back what she said. i guess rightfully so. but i'm so serious, i wasn't aware at all that she had said it earlier today or that it was even her who said it.

oh yeah... uhm... i dont know

i wonder if i'm gonna get to eat tomorrow in the morning in period 1? i hope so. food is good.

oh and y'know what sucks? i heard that the editors are gonna yank one of my stories from the paper. i'm so sad. i like my featured rides thing because it's supposed to be a monthly thing. so i'd like that to stay. but the socialism column i'm kinda proud of that because it's mostly BS, but its good BS. and people were all like "wow, ryan. that's not a bad article. not the crap like your featured rides one." so i'd kinda like to keep that in there too. so i dont know anymore. i'll let the editors do their thing and then grumble about either decision they make because thats what i do best.

yeah... i think i'll go because i cant really think of anything else to write.

Previously on - Currentlier

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