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2001-12-04 - 11:29 p.m.

okay, yeah... i promised i'd complain in here yesterday, so i'll complain dammit.

yeah, the stupid song we chose for the stupid graduation which is stupid is that stupid (classified) song. that stupid one with the stupid lyrics which talk about some stupid (classified) and some stupid (classified) having some stupid (classified) for one stupid (classified). yeah, i thought that was pretty stupid. stupid stupid song.

stupid seniors too.

stupid class.

okay, enough with the god damned stupids.

so yeah, i was all like "god dammit! why'd we have to chose that god damend song for the god damned graduation? god dammit!"

and everyone was like, "god dammit ryan! why are you saying god damn so god damned much? god dammit ryan! you got me saying god dammit now. god dammit!"

so yeah... i should probably stop with the fuckin' swearing. dont you fucking think so? i dont really have a fuckin' idea. fuck this already.

i think i like swearing too much. gee, ms. hamel would really like this shit.

so would teruya.

i think it's good that teruya doesn't know the address to this. she'd flip out. like completly just wig out man...

so, anyway. i walked to school today because i opted to get an extra hour of sleep instead. i think it's a good trade off. i think i'll do it more often. i prefer to get more sleep anyway.

so, yeah. thanks to kyle and jenna for doing the whole congrats on the one month of unsucessfully trying to take over the world. dont worry folks, we'll get it right one day. and yess jenna you can have norway or sweden or iceland or finland and germany now in one piece...

and kyle, you too can have japan.

but me? i get antarctica by default. i dont want asia because it's too big for me to rule

i dont want europe because they got some crazy shit there.

i dont want africa cause they got all those weird diseases.

and i dont want south america because they got all those crazy animals.

and i dont want north america because it's got canada.

and i dont want australia because of the desert animals which'll kill me and eat my baby. the dingo ate your baby?

so i get antarctica because it's the only one left.

oh that and because atlantis sank and i'm not down with being underwater.

i wonder where i get all these things to write? its not like i write them down as i think them throughout the day, but they kinda just pop into my head while i type. it's all so weird. where do i get my inspiration to write???

like, for news writing, i get my inspiration to write from my audience. i'm trying to get them to understand why i like cars. well, not really, but i'm trying to educate the people out there at the same time as enteraining them. i'm serious. thats why i do things, to entertain and educate them people. well, at least in news writing thats what i do. but in here, i dont know why i write what i do. maybe it's to get laughs. and y'know, like randi said, getting laughs is what it's all about. when you get people to laugh, it makes life just that much more bearable. y'know, if i count all the bad things in life that happened to me (mostly in news writing this year) and all the good times i've had and all the laughs i've had, the bad times would probably out weigh the good times, but the good times would still be more weighty to me because the good times are just that good. it's like... if you took the laughter away from us all, we'd either 1- die. or 2- find a new way to laugh because we need to laugh. it's like... breathing, if you find me a person who doesn't laugh, i'd say that fucker is dead. because he probably is. literally. i mean, who the hell doesnt laugh? some weird fucker that person is. i bet even terrorists laugh. like i'm sure osama bin ladens had some embarrasing moments that he's had to laugh at himself. something like "hey! oasam! you got your turban on backwards! hah! made you look! you actually thought it was on backwards.. hahahahaha, what a dope..." and then he shoots the guy and laughs at that. see, i bet he laughs too. so yeah... i dont know what point i was trying to prove so i'll go now.

peace out stupid god damned fucking pieces of shit. :)

Washington Irving (anyone who read catch-22 might catch on to that)

Previously on - Currentlier

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