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2001-12-12 - 9:51 p.m.

lets see...


dude! y'all should've seen what happened in period one today. it was freakin' nuts! i swear to god i wish i had caught it on video... or at least taken a few pictures of the crime scene. man, that would've made like... some really nuts photos. i mean, the faces, they were priceless. FREAKIN' PRICELESS!

oh, yeah, i should tell you what happened. we made gingerbread houses in period one.

but thats not the priceless part. the priceless part was when kyle printed something, and the paper came out with all these brown spots on it, so he opens up the feed tray, and there's this freakin' ants nest inside the printer! i mean, like a for real ants nest. like with ants carrying larve and running around like they're trying to protect the queen! an honest to god ants nest. it was soooo freakin' trippy. kyle completely wigged out. he kinda screamed and shoved the tray back in the printer. me? i would've yelled and jumped back like, "holy shit!" either that or i would've gone "what the fuck? and took a closer look like a moron. i'm the kinda guy who would smell a letter with powder on it to see if it was anthrax. so, anyway. then he shoves these napkins at blair and starts to freak out more. meanwhile i'm laughing my head off trying to asses the situation, and teruya's wigging out herself at the notion of ants in her room. so she grabs the bug spray and i grab the broom and kyles smashing ants with blair and mrs. teruya while she's trying to figure out where to spray. i didnt want to smash the ants because i dont like larve. there's just this thing about smashing things with my hands that have liquidy stuff that plops out onto my hands. yeah yeah... i'm a pussy, but i like to be clean. so anyway... everyone else is busy freakin' out about it, and i'm laughing the whole time trying to tell everyone to calm down because you're only causing more of a panic in a situation like that. kyle's busy trying to tear the printer apart to get at the ants inside, mrs. teruya is busy being stingy on the spray, blair's smashing ants because it's finally something she can step on at her height (nah, peace blair!) and micah, kristin, elyse, and melissa are busy doing their part in the background... i think(?). actually... i'm not sure what they were doing, i was busy laughing at kyle. so i'm moving really slowly while kyle's ripping and tearing at that printer. i'm busy laughing it up and then period 3 starts to walk in and sees the whole shindig. mrs. teruya is still freakin' about the whole situation and telling them that she's got the "heebee jeebies." and i'm still laughing. so eventually kyle gets word that hamel's freaking out in her room about the layout so he starts to pack up and heads out to news writing and i take over dismantilling the printer. i'm more succesfull at it because i'm taking a closer look at where to unscrew and where to dismantle it. so i actually dont get it apart, but i get it enough apart for teruya to nuke 'em with the spray. yeah, those ants are gonna be kinda messed up or dead for the rest of their life. yeah... dead for the rest of their life. and so i put it back together and go to news writing. and teruya's still freaking about the ants.

when i get there, i see hamel outside on a desk like she's sulking with her grade book and a calender. i'm hoping i dont get shit done to be because i was late. i mean, i am only a reporter after all... i'm expendable. why do you think they send reporters to afghanistan and not editors? duh!

so, yeah... in news writting i took over the brainstorming session... i dont know why. it just happened. and i think i'm down for two articles again. featured rides and... something else... i forget, but yeah. but when hamel came back into the class, she wasn't angry, or so it seemed which was enough for me. so i felt a little safer. and the rest of the day was uneventful.

but y'know... those ants were just hillarious because we found a few more at lunch, and EVERYONE freaked. i mean, kyle got all freaky about it again, he didn't even go near that side of the room again. and teruya was all like "oh no! there's more?!?" and i just laughed somemore. i laugh a lot. oh, and here's my theory on why they chose the printer over the weekend. because it was plugged in, so it still had electricty flowing through it, so the system was warm enough for the ants to make home. what with it being winter and all, they were probably looking for a nice and cozy place to bed down. WRONG PLACE ASSHOLES!

if that theory makes no sense, please place something in my guestbook telling me how stupid i am. thank you.

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