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2001-12-11 - 10:08 p.m.

today was sr. cut day. so what'd i do? i stayed in school like a moron. what did i do in school? the usual stupid ryan things.

let see...

in period one, i played pictionary after coming out of my angry sump at being in rotc and having to wear my uniform. i hate wearing my uniform because, like i told randi, i feel like the man has got me. i feel all burdened like. it's just not cool. i'm not down with being a caged bird. i like to flap and fly!

oh, and i got to draw baby jesus. not baby jesus, but baby jesus.

damn, that was hard to draw. i ended up drawing christ life cycle instead.


and in period 2, i got to read inclass! it ended up being pretty interesting. i was readin' with fervor and all, and people were all like... quiet and stuff. i'm not sure if they were laughing at me, or because i was good. i'll just think i was good. because ms. teruya said so.

and in period 3, instead of doing my work... again... i messed around with the editors. i should be an editor. didn't i say that last night? i cant remember... either way, i should be kyle's assistant because i'm good at laughing at his mistakes. i mean, thinking outside the box... yeah... dammit. kyle reads this. but i dont feel like erasing. anyhow...

uh... in period... what was next... five... yeah. i got stuck doing all kinds of crap. like... first i had to deliver notes throughout a bldg. and then i started to arrange them cards that them people use to make their classes and schedules... what're... yeah, registration cards! i had to arrange them in alpha order. it doesn't help that i'm dyslexic and illterate. so yeah... that was a bitch. and then i got sent on a wild goose chase around the school. it completely sucked. teachers shouldn't be allowed to leave their rooms before school ends so i know where to find them. that and pe teachers should stay put! yeah, to sum it up, i went from the gym, to c-bldg. to g-bldg (and the teacher wasn't even there! and it was arputhasamy!!!) and then to f-bldg. where i saw two guys smoking, outside of class, and mr. freakin' joslin wasn't there. and so i ended up walking all the fucking way across the god damned campus for absolutly no reason what-so-ever.

i sometimes really hate being a TA.

oh, that and i want to quit rotc. i was tellin' tiffany that her, me, and deyson should quit and leave the rest of them floundering. she was actually considering it. and if she does it, so does deyson. either way... i dont think i like rotc.

oh, and afterschool, i saw steve. yeah, and i saw the asvab test on one of them desks and the recruiter. so, i ask steve "hey man, you not actually thinking about joining the army, are you?" and he's all like "naw... if i do, i would join the air force." and i'm all like "yeah brotha man! thats my boy!" and we was all chillin' and yeah... it was funny. cause the recruiter was standing RIGHT THERE. *points to an imaginary place*

so yeah... all in all, an uneventful day.

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