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2002-01-02 - 10:53 p.m.

hey, wow erin, that was cool. i like swearing too. swearing is fucking awesome, isn't it?

so, anyway. uh, last night i got to eat shrimp. i was happy. shrimp kicks ass. and then i ate the left overs this morning for breakfast... at 11 a.m.

but anyway. on new years eve, i went to randi's house at 10 p.m. y'all wanna know the story on how i got there? yeah? no? too bad, you're going to hear it anyway. i was talking to randi on the phone, and then brett's (brett is randi's brother) girlfriend, michelle, told her to tell me to come over. but, the thing is, neither randi nor i drive, so she begged brett to come pick my fat ass up. which he did. and my mom made me take a shower too. so i had to shower, find clothes, and get dressed in like, 8 minutes. i went in 5. a new record for me. yup, how's that? and so i went to their house and played video games, ate food, and blew up stuff. yeah, randi's dad told us to go throw fire crackers down the storm drain, so we did. i like throwing shit down the storm drain cause it echos and makes smoke come out and yeah. it's just cool. oh, and brett's friend, allen, he had this huge like mortar thing for airial fireworks. god damn the thing was massive. it was like the magic island kine. buggah was solid. oh, not to mention all the 10,000 red ones they had. i love new years eve. and then i stuck around till 4 talking to a partially drunk michelle and watching reruns of the world strongest man competition.

today? what'd i do today? i went to see the re-release of beauty and the beast at the IMAX theaters. randi and i were the only people older than 8 there without a kid younger than 8 with us. in other words, we were just about the only teenagers there except for this group of girls who looked like they were in intermediate school.

after that we walked around waikiki looking for some place to eat. we ended up eating at this restauraunt with a loco moco that goes HEAVY on the gravy. just the way i like it.

and then i got tired from eating. i didnt even get to finish the damn thing cause it was so paralizing. ugh...

after that randi's mom picked us up and she brought me back to her house to help her finish up the leftovers. i didn't get a chance to because my mom made me come home early. oh well, too bad for me. man, i'm tired and i lost my vocab and grammar books for english. i'm so pissed. i hate that. we have a huge test on units 1-6 for vocab too. and we have a grammar test the next week. oh well, t.s. for me i guess.

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