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2002-01-04 - 10:27 p.m.

i almost forgot to update tonight. dont know why... pretty bizzare, eh?

uh... i got to school on time today. pretty nuts ah? and in period one, kyle had this test where we're supposed to find out how many extra hours we have to set aside for studying. i ended up with 49 hours and 10 minutes per week. ms. teruya, kyle, melissa, and kristin all went over the 168 hours in a week. i had the most hours left over in a week, so kyle decided to ask us all what we're going to do with that extra time, and of course because kyle loves me so much, he chose me first. :) what'd i say? something along the lines of "seeing as how i have 49 extra hours, i should go our more and go on the internet more." what i also implied was more video game time too. mrs teruya was all shocked like. she asked me when's the last time i read a book. the funny thing is that i had read two books and four magazines during the winter break. so i told her "i read two books during the break. i also compeleted my two book reports for them too." and teruya was shocked and kyle said i was very good this break. i was pleased. so i smiled and laughed in my head. it was a kinda loud laugh too i guess. it echoed pretty loudly.

in english, that stupid test wasn't too bad. at least i hope not. it didnt seem too hard. oh well, they never do.

but in news writing, me and kyle were discussing the chain-of-command. as of tonight, i am the secretary of home land security, and director of the secret service. so i listen to emily on fiscal manners, but when it comes to kyles security, i'm in charge, as well as being in charge of the security of the class room. so i'm kinda double-hatting as well as having overlapping jobs. i love it.

and in marine science, jesse and i were talking more about capitalism, socialism, communisim, nazism, and penis'. yup, we talk about a lot of intelligent shit, dont we?

*yawn* the rest of the day was nothing.

after school i went to randi's house with aarika and we watched tv. randi also shot things. i was supposed to help her for tomorrow, but she doesn't really care, so that makes learning hard. so we ended up watching more tv. they didnt want me to watch speedvision. it sucks being the only guy who likes to watch racing. girls... bah. and then, me and aarika left for our first date. yeah, she took me home. it was so cool we talked about a lot of cool shit. if only i could remember what it was.

and then i went to dinner with my folks. we ate at washington saimin. it's kind of a mom and pop style place. good food. but they're mustard was really hot. like i almost choked on it. but i like wontonmin so i scarfed it down anyway. and then i ate my mom's left over fried rice because i was still hungry.

god i love food.

and so now i'm on the net jus' chillin. i should get to sleep since i gotta shoot tomorrow. grr...

Previously on - Currentlier

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