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2002-01-06 - 12:34 a.m.

aw man, this is sad, brett and michelle are leaving back for california. i'm gonna be all sad and lonely in that big ole house without michelle and her estrogen causing trouble to me and brett's amazing ability to play any video game his first time around. damn i'm gonna miss them. *sniff*

but, anyway... i participated in the jr. olympics which i keep accidentally calling the special olympics. speaking of which, on the way back from toys and joys, this guy wearing a special olympics tag thingy gave me a free news paper and asked for money in return, so i gave him a dollar. i was angry about losing a dollar for a free news paper i had already read, but i felt good about making him feel as if he accomplished something. dammit, i lost a damn dollar. oh well...

anyway, the olympics was pretty good. i got a lunch and a drink out of it. all cherry drinks are good, except for code red mountain dew. it just doesn't have the zesty-ness i associate with mountain dew. but, anyhow, i shot a 410/600. not bad, but not good. infact, no where near good enough. but, yeah. i guess it was good enough for me. i mean, this being my first competition of all standing. yeah man, six standing targets gets tiring after a while. i've been tired all day since then. i even fell asleep on randi's lap for a bit when we were waiting for something to happen. what that thing that happened was us going to randi's house to play her new game, Grand Theft Auto 3. yup, awesome game. especially when you play with the cheats. it's just so much fun!

hmm... what else? yeah, that two mile walk was a bitch.

oh, and randi's mom made shrimp tempura for us tonight. i love randi's mom, she makes all the good food.

man, i'm gonna miss brett and michelle.

oh, and tonight, when my dad picked me up, i drove him to work for a few minutes. on the way back home, i got on the freeway, and as i was in the left lane, i got stuck behind two other cars. the car in the front of our three car gaggle fuck was this caddy limo going 35 mph on the god damned H1 eastbound. 35! at 11 something at night! on the H1! argh! i was angry. more like scared like "what the fuck? why is the guy in front using his breaks? shit... i gotta use my breaks too, this cant be good. what the fuck? i'm going only 35? dude, this is insane. this is so not cool." i was scared a little bit too that i was gonna be rear-ended. so i moved over a lane and yeah, it was good again. this is why those scare tactics of photo enforcement are dangerous. people are going dangerously slow on motorways now days. stupid photo cameras.

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