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2002-01-10 - 10:31 p.m.

i got angry today at some pieces of paper. some very important pieces of paper. they were stats on fatal accidents in hawaii on the road. the majority of accidents occur not after midnight, but at six pm and around that time. i found that slightly vexing. so, i instead changed my argument from that to most fatal accidents occur on two-lane roadways and at 35 mph. randi called me a cheater or something like that.

i agree.

oh, and my CD players broken. i'm so pissed about that. it's like, my baby is broken. now i need to get a new one i think. fuck.

i found out that it was broken when i rushed out the door this morning at about 8:15. yup, i was late to school again, but at least teruya didn't send in the attendance, or didn't mark me, or something...

all i know is that i wasn't officially late.

and after school, me and randi watched my new DVD, the fast and the furious. i finally got it in the mail. i'm so happy. i fell asleep while watching it with the director commentary though. and i thought i saw craig liberman in the movie, i was right. he was the guy who told the racers to go at race wars. i'm good.

and now people are wondering "who's craig liberman?" if you dont know, you probably dont care to know.

yeah... can you tell today was boring?

but it wasn't because i was all giddy today after school when i was watching the movie with randi. i dont know why i was giddy, but i was. so, yeah.

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