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2002-01-09 - 9:26 p.m.

uh... i've just drawn a compelte blank on what i was going to write.

oh, i finsihed my article. sorta, not really. half. not that much. but yeah, it's good according to melissa and taryn. and taryn's opinion is the only one that counts because she's the opinions editor. i forgot what kyle said about it, if anything at all. he usually just scoffs at me, and i usually just smile back at him. right kyle? right? but yeah... the article is one page, times new roman font, size 12, single spaced. i'm pretty sure thats way too long. but keep in mind i cut it from two pages. i've taken out about as much extraneous information as i deemed i could. it's pretty much been gutted.

but i still have so much more to say and i'm sad i can't say it.

oh, and man, you should've seen me after school today for rotc. i was forced into staying after school to do a leadership lab thingy for my platoon, only i wasn't supposed to be doing it because i was supposed to let the squad leaders do their thing while i supervised. but i couldn't help myself and i had to get in it. so i got in it stupidly. there's this thing called "cover" where you get your distance from the person in front of you by sticking your left arm up in front of you and leaving six inches between your finger tips and the person's shoulder. so, how'd i tell them this? i told them "six inches is the average size of a male's penis! keep this in mind. think about a penis when you put your arm up and use that as a measurement." now, i dont really know if the average penis is six inches, but i felt i had to say something to get them to remember it. i think it was gen. patton who once said "say it to them dirty and they wont forget it." or something like that. but yeah. so through out that entire segment of instruction, i was telling them "think of a penis!" oh, and i wanted to scare an army guy that was there. he looked kinda like he was paying special attention to us, so i had to make it known that i was stupid.

and that was pretty much the highlights of my day. so lets recap: finishing my editorial and having two people, and possibly a third, say it was good; and trying to scare an army guy by talking about penises.

i live a charmed life.

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