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2002-01-14 - 11:38 p.m.

first things first: thank you jevon for the instructions on how to get to tower. that was really super of you. and sorry alice for signing off after i got the picture. when i got it, my AIM went screwy on me and shut down. it did that once before that night, so i dont think it was your fault.

oh, and to kyle, sorry for you being the ass of all my stupid little jokes in school, but i just like you so much.

god damn, man... today's only monday and i'm wracking my brains about my article for the school paper. my once one page editorial has not become close to a half-page longer. its about oh... close to 900 words long. and this is with me being as brief as possible. well, maybe not as brief as possible, but being pretty damn stingy with my word count. i'm trying to keep it to as few words as possible because i want it to be uncluttered with my usual drivel. if hamel REALLY likes it and i get some support about it from my peers whom i hold in high esteem for their writing skills (kyle, jenna, wago... all you fellers), i'm thinking of sending it in, under the Rough Rider (roosevelt's school paper, so that she may get the credit for publishing my ass), to the honolulu advertiser, the star bulletin, midweek (ooh!), and maybe even sport compact car (which is the publication that gave me the inspiration to write this article. thank you josh jaquot). but only if i'm feeling really really good about it.

i've found myself being entirely devoted to this story. it's like i told trevor, i dont think i've ever felt this passionate about anything. it's like a new feeling, i dont know what. i mean, even my drive to get my drivers license hasn't been this strong, nor has my drive to figure out punahou girl's name, or my quest to make it to states for air riflery or convince the recruiter i'm gay! i mean, i have honestly never been so strongly objected to something as to do the amount of research, re-writing, and self as well as peer editing, that i have done for this god damned article. i really hope that she doesn't get cut up too baddly for lay out purposes.

but holy fuck man... i have some serious questions about this law... one thing that i think i'll add is if they're going to cite drivers going below the posted speed limit. actually, no. i dont think i'll add that point because when i looked at it, i couldn't find anywhere to put it without having to re-write whole paragraphs and restructre everything around the damn thing. man, i've done enough of that tonight for now. nah... i'll probably try to find a way to do it to strengthen my argument. but we'll see.

okay, that's all i feel like typing today. i think i'll go work on my article some more. bye.

Funny Stories of Photo Enforcement:

a cop pulled over a Photo Enforcement van and cited the driver for going 10 mph over the speed limit, a $77 dollar fine. ACS, the company who owns the van is now going to contest the citation. fuck them, i hope they lose.


there's an urban legend that a cop cited one of the vans for being illegally parked on the shoulder lane while taking pictures. :) i really like that one.

not to mention...

the vans are getting the finger from cops in marked police vehicles as well as having shit thrown at them by motorists. good for the vans.

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