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2002-01-13 - 10:33 p.m.

okay, so i woke up this morning and i was all awake so i fell back asleep becuase it's the only thing i could think of doing on a sunday morning so early.

pretty smart of me, eh?

so i wake up again and i ask kim if we had any homework for teruya besides vocab. and she starts freakin' out about "oh my god! we have vocab? crap. lemme go check if we have anything else..." so she goes and checks and we have grammar too. i was all sad like becuase i thought i had finished my homework. so i go off line and open up the grammar book to the particular section and holy crap that shit is hard. i ended up falling asleep fitfully on top of the book because i was so tired from doing it. but i finished it. it was a real pain in the ass.

and then, later on tonight, i had to go return Dogma to tower video. so me and my dad jump into my mom's civic and i drive to tower. only this time, i make it there without getting lost, but i get yelled at quite a bit. i need to find a way to get to tower without having to make a left turn on kapiolani onto keeamoku. so guess what i'm doing now? i'm studying a roadmap to figure it out. i'm pretty sad aint i?

i wonder if i'm ever going to get my license so i can get lost on my own?

Previously on - Currentlier

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