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2002-01-16 - 9:33 p.m.

today, my horoscope said something about i should hook up with a gemini. you know who's a gemini? emily oshima. and they said a few days ago that i should take a gemini out for dinner. i would've taken emily out for dinner, except i had no money.

oh, and i like ranid more.

but not by a lot because all she did today is beat me up. over and over and over again. she just beat me up. she was beating me up so much that i decided to spend more time with her at the mall so she could beat me up in public too.

yeah, public humiliation is always fun when you're with me.

so, today, we had an awards ceremony for rotc and when it was just about all done, leo asked if there were any questions about anything, and i'm sure that it was meant to be a rhetorical question. so of course i HAD to ask a question because it's how i am. as it turned out, the question i asked was rather intelligent to tiffany whos the real brains behind everything, which is why she's one of the very few people i sorta respect in rotc.

so anyway, it ended up with me reverting back to my jack-ass rotc mode becuase i like yelling at freshmen. so, after i got over my initial yelling, we got kicked off the field and so we went by the pool. on the way there, the army reserve recruiter (not sgt. hika but ssg. yee), started talking to me. i had originally intended to just tell him i was interested and have him fuck off, but he's a sly sucker, he got me talking to him for quite a while. i told him that i just wanted to be a teenager and not think about anything and speak without any real substance and then be a journalist, but he kept me talking and it turns out that i still wont join the military and he basically lost interest in me after a while. or at least i hope so. but he's a lot better than sgt. hika and i intend to tell that fucker hika that. the next time i see him i'm going to tell him that ssg. yee is a lot better of a recuriter than he is. because you see, ssg. yee isn't quite so fucking drugged up and cracked out as hika is. yee is more laid back and i can associate with that more. fucking hika is a queer ball.

speaking of queer and hika, i'm getting closer to making hika think i'm gay. as soon as i walked into the rotc room, i full on grabbed deyson's ass and squeezed it good. and sgt. hika just happened to be standing right there. it wasn't planned at all. i just saw deyson, sgt. hika, and deyson's ass and BAM! i grabbed it right there. it worked out perfectly. hika didn't really look at me at all. he did try to make another pitch at me though. he said "you know, trang's thinking about joining now."

i looked at trang "well, that's her problem now! what's wrong with you?!?" i love to piss him off because i really dont like him.

man, i hate being broke.

i think i'm going to go to bed soon... i'm getting real tired and i even took a nap. shit, i still need to memorize the second half of my dialogue, check my vocab, and yeah... i'm sure there's more but i dont want to think about it so close to a 5 day weekend.

Previously on - Currentlier

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