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2002-01-17 - 10:20 p.m.

oh man, today i was delivering a note for boss, and i was just standing there waiting for mrs. freitas to finish signing it, and then it dawned on me (keep in mind that this is during 5th period, and school is almost over), today is thursday, and that means that tomorrow is the start of a five day weekend. i wanted to smile so baddly, but i felt all funny because i'd just break out smiling out of no where, but i ended up smiling anyway, it was too good to contain. in fact i'm smiling right now just thinking about it.

yeah! and i went to a UH volleyball game tonight. it was my first one. the mens team, ranked 5th, gave penn state ranked #1 the smack down. they completely whupped 'em. beat 'um in three games. boo-ya! nah... i'm still waiting for the UH mens basketball to get some notice.

uh... oh, and in period four, i was talking with the substitute about old school racers. he said that they'd supe up the old corolla wagons and datsun 510's. he was really amazed that i knew about the datsun's. well, i guess so, i mean, most racers dont really talk about 510's, but me? i worship 510's. i mean, i really love those cars, they just look so... clean to me. yeah, he was saying that they made a lot of noise, but didn't go very fast. i hope i get to own a 510 one day, that would just make it all better.

okay... i'm getting kinda tired, so i think i'm gonna like... go now.

Previously on - Currentlier

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