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2002-01-28 - 9:06 p.m.

man, i'm tired. i attribute it to lack of sleep. last night i went to sleep around 1, but i had to wake up almost an hour earlier than i normally do. stupid rotc i dont even like you but make me wake up at like fucking 630 am... grr... crap... fucker... shit... ass bitch whore hole son of a mother cock sucking fuck face.

i love swearing.

anyway... yeah, i woke up at 630 to go do my duty as a senior non-com. i had to go be on a promotion board. hell, i only went through one promotion board and then i skipped ahead and then i lost interest in rotc and i said fuck this.

so what do i find when i get to the rotc room? the trainer's room has been broken into and so we can't do our promotion board in the morning because sgt. koki is all up in investigating and doing all that kinda stuff. me? i was busy making fun of everyone like i usually do. it doesn't matter where i am, i'll be me. and then during period 1, me and kyle went and did some investigating. well, he did the questions i took the pictures because i dont do news. so i took like, a lot of pictures of the door being broken, a flourecent light fixture that was gutted, the riflery room where stuff was stolen, and i had luke take some pictures of one of the daisy rifles. i was all like, "okay luke, take a picture of this this and this. oh and one of those too. get like four shots of each." acting like i was important and stuff.


and in period 2, fukotomi is all ditzy and lost like. she's so funny, always asking for help like a retard.

retards are funny.

uh... oh, after school, we did our promotion board since we couldn't do it in the morning. i asked some really stupid questions because i didn't want to be there and am trying to get myself kicked out of ever doing it again. so i did my really mean questions and then i asked some questions that you can't get wrong unless you dont want to make an ass out of yourself and i had deyson make tokita DEMONSTRATE how to do the heimlich manuever on yourself if there's no one around. it looks like you're fucking a table. oh, i also asked "in how many of his terms did former Pres. Clintion recieve a hummer from monica lewisnky?" i didn't really care what the answer was, i was just trying to offend people.

oh, and at the end i asked an extra credit question. "what are the three types of forced induction for a car's engine?" of course the answer is turbocharging, supercharging, and nitrous oxide, but no one knew all three. so i had to bring it down to one and give help before sheldon said "NOS" which i accepted because i'm a nice guy.

and then i went home because i had a headache that felt like some one was sticking a bonner in my ear and poking my brain and then i had the cum floating around in my skull therefore making the headache worse. or at least thats what i told people in the rotc room trying to get myself kicked off the promotion board.

oh, and in period 4, i was helping jesse write a song called "shut up nathan" because everyone can relate to that. i love jesse because he's such a prick. oh and he was dissing nathan about trying to go out with his sister. telling him things like "you dont have a chance" and shit like that.

period 4, good times...

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