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2002-01-27 - 3:03 p.m.

i haven't updated for a really long time. since thursday night or something. hell, i cant even remeber what happened on friday.


oh yeah, on friday i went to joanne's house. but not before randi came over to my house armed with GTA3. and yup, i kicked ass in GTA3. in that last mission where you have to snipe all those people on the boat, randi couldn't do it. and then, when i first tried it from the place that you're supposed to, boom- click, boom- click, boom- click... and it continued for another 15 more shots or so and they were all dead. infact, i was so trigger happy looking for more bad guys because it seemed like too few that i had shot, that i almost ended up blowing up 8-ball. oops! but yeah, i kicked ass. randi couldn't even do it at all, like the farthest she'd get was killing like three of them. not me, i kicked her ass!

and then she left making me feel sad because i didn't have any more GTA3 to play.

but like i said, she invited me to go to joanne's house too, so i got to play more and corrupt Tip and joanne's little sister by showing them how to go nuts on people and helicopters. :) i'm such a good boy. oh, and funny story on when kato was driving me to joanne's house.

kato's land rover has some nice sounding subs and blue headlights (which are illegal). we ended up driving behind a cop on they way to joanne's house. at night, with the stero booming. so he starts keeping his distance from the cop and turns down his sounds for fear of being pulled over for recon. and then we end up on a two lane road, and all of a sudden the cop in the Cobra stops. turns his blue light on, and puts it into reverse. but not only did he stop, he stopped when cars were coming from the other direction and so we couldn't move. "oh crap" we thought. blue headlights on and all. oh, and not like it's illegal, but he was also talking on his cell. so, we're kinda boxed in, and who knows when the cop will take notice of his headlights? i'm all worried that we've been pulled over. kato's worried too. we're looking for a way out. so, as soon as the traffic opens up for passing, we're off like a bat outta hell (following the speed limit). man, it was pretty freaky. it was a "what's goin on?!?!" kinda moment.

okay, so it probably wasn't that ammusing. but that's just because i didn't act it out for you.


on saturday, i went to a news writing conference with kyle, ashley, shannon, jenna, tina, luke, and mrs. hamel. well, me and kyle stayed in the car until hamel came to stay away from luke because luke is kinda stupid. when hamel came, we checked in and surveyed the free grub but didn't feel like eating any of it. then jenna guys came and we were chillin' with them until the thing started. man, hamel was mackin on mike rovener. well, not really because she's "very married" as she says. but we still like to make fun of her. when the beginning ended, me and ashley (who were in the same group) went off to our first class, who was mike rovener, the guy who already taught us everything he knows. so what'd me and ashley do? we traded looks the entire time saying "this is all so boring... *snore*" but, at least he was very uh... active. yeah, he's a very enthusiastic speaker, so he kept us awake. oh, and he remembered me, but not ashley. you know what means? it mean's that i'm uglier, so hence more prone to be remembered.

after that, me and ahsley went down and got juice and halved a croisant and talked to our fellow roosevelt news writers. then our second class was due to start, so we went to our photography class. the guy who gave us this lecture was boring as hell. all he had to talk about was camera's and the difference between film and digital. the only problem was was that we only use digital, so it was all lost on us. oh, not to mention that both of us were falling asleep. after that class, we had a 25 minute break. so all of us went down to the courtyard and made jokes with hamel. i went off about how this one guy in our group from farrington was kinda stupid, and then everyone looked at me and told me to shut up and then i remembered, "oh crap, this isn't roosevelt anymore. not everyone is stoned." but the problem was, i didn't just remember it, i also said it aloud so hamel yelled at me again to shut up. good on me, eh? after our break ended me and ashley went to possibly the best class of the day, something on writing by some lady from the star bullettin. me and ashley ended up drawing cars on our note papers. i drew my 250 hp mini with zx3 tail lights. ahsley just drew a car. and then i asked her what i should do if i can't write news stories and all i can write is features and opinions. the lady told me to stick with what i'm good at and to tell kyle to let me write only features and opinions. hah! and then we had to fill out a "what we learned" kinda thing. of course i didn't learn a thing because it was pretty much all common sense, but yeah...

after that we all ditched on the last part of the conference which was optional and we went to kahala mall for some CPK. we ended up paying for part of ashley's meal because she only had $5. and i also spent my time making fun of everyone as i always do. oh, i also jumped on jenna's hood in the parking lot as she was driving. she tried to break and make me fly off the car, but my huge ass had me planted firmly on her car and so hence she couldn't make me fly. and when ashley took off her sweat shirt, kyle looked down at her (because she's short) and said "you're looking busty tooday." me? i laughed. ashley? she covered up. the rest of the girls? they got angry and threw little hissy fits. and then we all laughed and went to eat lunch.

aftere lunch kyle got us into longs because his dad is the manager. actually, i shouldn't "got us into" because we can all go there, but he got us into the backroom, the store room, the warehouse. yeah, man! that was the coolest part of the day! getting to go into the warehouse kicked some fat ass. we even got to see kyle's dad's office with the cameras of the store. it was so cool. and then kyle had to take some ice to his mom at the special elections for the manoa-makiki-tantlus district. so we took four bags of ice from kahala to manoa and delivered them to his mom and then he took me home. oh, but when we were at manoa rec center, we saw these little kids playing soft ball and started to reminice about how we sucked at sports as kids. i still suck. the sport i do best, is still shitty. so oh well.

later on that night, i went to randi's house to watch movies with aarika, evan, royden, lauren and brandon. man, it was sad. i was trying to teach lauren and brandon how to drive in GT3. oh god, they're kinda hopeless. i guess it's because neither of them really drie. brandon has his permit, but still has a hard time remembering the break and gas pedals. lauren doesn't even have her permit. sad...

and then aarika, royden, and randi returned with the movies: American Pie 2 and Hannibal.

we only got to watch American Pie 2 as everyone had to leave after it was done. so me and randi watched Hannibal on our own. we turned out the lights, and turned up the sound. man, i love Dr. Lecter. yeah, i have respect for a man who doesn't even exist and eats people. yes, i respect a man who eats people. he only eats people who do him or the world wrong, so i can justify it. and that was my night. or rather, my two days? ah whatever... todays sunday. i shouldn't need to think.

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