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2002-01-31 - 9:25 p.m.

i got to school on time today. i was so happy. no, not really. school sucks when fukutomi is there. i never really thought i'd say this, but i miss mrs. teruya. yeah, tiffany told me that last night she told teruya to come back to school already. teruya just laughed and said something entirely hickish. i cannot agree with tiffany more.

today, fukutomi talked for the first half-hour of class, then she played two videos, and then she talked some more. by the time she was done, we had 10 minutes left in class and had time for one monologue. so, in a class of some 30-odd people. we've done less than 10 monologues.

another high point of the day was during period 6. sgt. hika was there. he he he... *devilish sneer* i was working at eric's computer in the staff area trying to fix the microsoft word program for him. anyway, sgt. hika sat down at the desk next to eric's and said something to me, but i chose to ignore it as i usually do to any of his comments because i'm still salty that he didn't respect my decision to not join the military and talked to my parent's behind my back. bitch... so yeah. then eric tapped me on the shoulder and said "he's talking to you."

sgt. hika repeated himself: "how's it going today?"

me: "it's going fine, cocksucker." whoo-hoo! i said it! man, i wanted to smile right there but i knew that it wouldn't be prudent. (like it really mattered at that point.) well, he shut up and stopped talking for a while. i'm not sure if he was shocked that someone could "disrespect" him like that, especially someone in rotc, or if it was just that he hate's being called a "cocksucker." beats me...

then he said something about my name. he's being trying to recruit me since last year and he still doesn't know how to pronounce my fucking last name. it's fucking written on the huge-ass white board in the staff area which is clearly visible from pretty much anywhere in that room. and major and sgt. only talk to me so much using my last name too. fucking retard. oh, not to mention that some of my peers also use my last name in conversation too. stupid shit.

and so i reply, "it's right there, on the board. written nice and clearly. read it."

he became quiet again. score another for the offense.

and then, sgt. hika was saying something to trang about medication and how long you have to be off it to join the military. then deyson said an answer and it was right and so he said, "damn, i'm getting pretty good at this. i should become a recruiter," he said jokingly.

"nah, then you'll be stupid," i say clearly enough for everyone in the immediate area to hear.

"so, you think i'm stupid?" sgt. hika asks. stupid question from an even stupider man.

"yes, i think you're stupid," i say matter of factly staring him straight in the eyes.

"you wanna go outside and say that to me again?" he asks. another stupid question from the same stupider man.

"why? i just said it right here?" i reply rather sarcastically. BOOM! the battle is over. in the end: three points for ryan. no points for army man.

i shut him down. i made him mad. i got him to shut up and probably never talk to me again. if he DOES bother to talk to me again, i will continue to piss him off. i think he wanted to go beef with me outside because i heard him say something like "oh, nevermind. he's not 18 yet." i guess if i was 18 i could get into a fight leagally with that fat prick. well, either way, hika can go sit on the shift knob in his jeep.

this is why rotc can be fun.

and then i came home and had even more fun. since randi didn't come to school today, i decided to check in on fatty at home, so i called her when i got home. it turns out that we both had stories to share about our day. it really is like we're married. right down to the story telling. only thing is we dont live together nor do we have sex. although... from what i hear, some people don't have sex even if they are married. looks like i'm not missing out on much then.

i really hope that stupid recruiter army man tries to talk to me again so i can shut him down some more. it's so much fun dissing a person who can't touch you because he's "held to a higher standard." hahaha... bull shit.

Previously on - Currentlier

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