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2002-01-30 - 10:52 p.m.

uh... today i woke up at a nice 8:17 am. man, i was like "aww crap... i did it again." so i rushed to get every thing together and blair called my cell, i guess to see if i was awake and brought the movie. so i told her i was on my way and i walked briskly to school. actually, it wasn't any faster than i normally walk.

so i gets to class and fukutomi is still lost as hell and i'm not even sure if she was there. so whatever. and then we pops in a DVD on teruya's new DVD player and we're trying to get it all to work, but the damn things is all tricky like so it took us a while. but we eventually got it to work. hell, even fukutomi tried to help us. right on crazy old lady. yeah, we ended up watching the fast and the furious for the rest of the period because hell, it was the only thing to do. we're the senior class officers man, we're squared away!

in news writing, the editors kept on scrambling, and i as usual did nothing. oh, well, i thought of captions and titles because it's what i'm good at supposedly. that and writing editorials and features. but not news. well, i did do something worth while actually. me and randi did our trick. you know, the one where i jump up and she holds me in her arms. yeah, that one. so yeah, we did that for a picture that's going to be in the news paper. why? because we're audience whores. oh, and hamel gave me a dirty look when i was talking about the difference between girls and guys with taryn and shannon. they were talking about how they used to like some guy and he didn't notice either of them, and then later on he was hitting on taryn and taryn was all piss off at him. they said that i would've felt the same way too if i were in their position, i told them i wouldn't. and then they asked me what i'd do, and i said "i'd bone her." and thats when hamel gave me a dirty look. i tried to defend my answer, but none of them would listen. so fuck that then. but seriously, i wouldn't be piss off because i dont get p.o. at things like that. hell, i hardly get p.o. at anything. except for ake... grr...


and in period four, me, dick, and jesse made a boat out of cardboard, masking tape, and a piece of metal i found on the lab table that we sit at. and the damn thing floats too... without sinking. ever. well, i dont know about that last claim, but ours is like... a fucking rock compared to the other groups boats. we'd kill the other boats in a battle boat competition.

and at lunch, kyle was extremely happy that we balanced our budget for the jamba juice sales. and melissa was still angry at nakatani for dissing the senior class officers out during recess. i should also mention that kyle and blair were piss off about that too. but the rest of us were like, "who gives a fuck what the hell others think?" ms. dudoit was trying to get that across to them too, but i have a feeling it fell on deaf ears.

y'know... this got me wondering, why am i so... so... not carring about anything? is this bad? should i feel more about things? but why? i've never felt this happy before y'know? and i know it doesn't have anything to do with randi because randi's just a fecal faced monkey poo eating turd girl. nah, jus' joke. she doesn't eat monkey poo. but it's like, i always used to be angry when i cared about things. and now, i look at myself not giving a shit about what people say, or what they do, or how they act, or what's going on around me and everything is just... sweet.

okay, i had to stop writing for a bit because my dad needed me to get off the computer. so, where was i?

i dont know.

uh... oh, after school, before our awards ceremony, i was talking to tiffany, and she said that i was right, me, her, and deyson all should've quit rotc at the semester. she's getting fed up with all the stupid crap that happens in there and it's like, whoo-hoo! i was right about something!

dammit, i had something else to write, but i forgot so right now i'm drawing a huge blank.

i wonder if charlie squad is gonna win on next weeks combat missions? does anyone else watch that show? because i really like that show with all the army crap going on. i mean, yeah, i dont think i'd do that because well, i dont really wanna join the military because of the stupid people, but hey, they got SWAT cops in there, and i wouldn't mind joining the police department (and citing speed enforcement vans for speeding). i know it's pretty much the same thing, but at least in the police department, i dont gotta live there and every thing. and i dont gotta see sgt. hika that cocksucker. i've been thinking, the repercussions for calling him a cock sucker are great. i cant wait to do it. oh yeah, that reminds me...

sgt. koki was talking to me about joining the national guard or the reserves today, and he asked me why i didn't want to. i told him it was because i didn't feel like i could live such a regimented life style as the army has and that i didn't want to give up a summer for basic and then another one for AIT (advanced individual training). he said he could understand where i was coming from. that's like... cool because at least he's down with it. major kimura doesn't force the issue on any of us. so i haven't heard a peep outta him and that sits fine with me too. oh, and sgt. yee came in today too, and he didn't push the issue about joining the reserves with me either, and that gives him a gold coke bottle next to his name. sgt. hika's still got about five cans-o-piss next to his name. so obviously, he's got a ways to go before he's off my can-o-piss list.

i should sleep soon so i dont have a repeat of this morning, eh?

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