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2002-02-03 - 12:53 a.m.

man, today... today kicked some major ass. first off, i got a new PS2 game. well, i actually chose it because i knew my dad wanted it. NASCAR Heat 2002. man, that game is a bitch. it's almost impossible to turn the damn wheel in that game. i like it. a new challenge.

oh, and i got to play risk again. yeah, me, randi, and royden went to jenna's house and we played risk. yeah, we got royden to come along. i was happy. me and jenna ganged up on royden, and then when we killed royden, we ganged up on randi, and she gave up, so we ended the game and we played the drinking game with water. so far, i've had to piss three times. oh, but the first time was the best. since we all had to pee, randi and jenna went to the bathroom, me and royden? backyard for us. i went to piss in the backyard and royden figured it was better than pissing his pants so he pee'd on the tree in jenna's backyard. i personally didn't care, i've pee'd behind a building at ice palace before, so it's all good for me.

and then jenna wouldn't let us in until we kissed on the mouth. so we kissed. no we didn't. she let us in after she knew we wouldn't.

i wonder how many male chouvanist i've angered with that last comment? bah... to hell with them, they're just not secure in their sexuality.

after that we sat around and talked story for a while, then we took royden home so me, lunchbox and fatty went to randi's house and watched music videos and made fun of them. i love making fun of stuff. and then jenna took me home. and we talked. and laughed because we didn't need to pee anymore. well, i did, but not that badly. until i came home, and then i pee'd really plenny. i like to relieve myself because it feels good on my bladder.

now i'm tired. i'm going to sleep.

Previously on - Currentlier

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