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2002-02-03 - 9:10 p.m.

i once again reitterate that basketball is a much more interesting sport than football because well, for one, the biggest god damned game of the season for football put me to sleep. what the hell is up with that? it's supposed to be the best game of the year and it's all boring like. i'm so not cool with that. the fricken NBA finals are always fun to watch because the games are faster paced and there aren't so many stupid things like waiting for the stupid referees to make a single call. there's no play back thing for NBA judges. a call's a call. stupid football.

and the commercials were sucky too. sure there were a few funny ones, but they were still an overall dissapointment. but i give the best commercial award to Budwiser as they are usually the best. good ol' budwiser.

oh, and the cadillac ones were pretty good too. i liked the one where they have the Escalade SUT put that little car in it's bed to share the parking stall. it was unexpected.

and that stupid pre game show took too long. i woke up at like 12:15 and i turned it to channel 3 to watch the game, and i see all these people talking, i thought it was halftime already, but nope. it was a stupid pre game show that took longer than the damn game.

and people wonder why i prefer to watch basketball...


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